
This site has been set up with the express purpose of educating those who wish to know more about the world we live in. Not the 6 o'clock news version of what's going on or whom to hate next - but rather information that is completely ignored or glossed over by our mainstream media outlets. I believe all of us who are trying to gather and share this information with the rest, are vital to making this world into one we ultimately run and enjoy - and not a world being ruined for us by totally out-of-touch-with-humanity despots and their machinations.

I have set up this site solo (with content I have found online or has been contributed by other parties), and in my own time. I only ask for a financial contribution so that I may continue to grow this site, and promote it far and wide. I thank you in advance for your donation.

  • Name: Dean Murray
  • Acc. Number: 04508260
  • Sort Code: 77-49-17

This site was set up by
Dean of the family Murray